Day: May 25, 2010

Denominations choosing different strategies in Arizona

Every major Christian denomination in the State of Arizona has expressed deep concern regarding the new law enacted which makes it a state crime to be in the state without proper documentation. But while everyone agrees that the law is troubling because of fears of how it will be enforced, there are significant differences between denominations about how to proceed next.

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What are our bishops reading?

Because the House of Bishops has its own regular meeting, and its own College for Bishops, it’s not surprising to learn that many bishops read the same books over a given year. And it’s always interesting to find out what’s on the reading list, because the ideas tend to surface in public again and again.

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Digital immigrants; how to move online

Most of the Café’s readers are probably very comfortable online. You know the difference between a web-forum, a list-serv and a Facebook group. But many in the Episcopal Church’s leadership don’t. Given the economics and the need we have to be evangelists, being a luddite isn’t really an option anymore. Here’s a free resource that can help.

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Managing the Body of Christ

The Alban Institute is one of the best places to look for help if you’re having troubles with the floating part. This week they have an article that lists specific areas that can make a difference between success and failure when working on managing the life of a congregation.

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It’s not easy being green

Advent moves to Christmas Day; Christmas season to the Epiphany; Epiphany season to Ash Wednesday; Lent to Easter Day; Easter season to Pentecost. Each season is like crossing a river or lake to the next feast or fast on the other side. But the season after Pentecost is an ocean, and Christ the King Sunday is in the next hemisphere.

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