Nobel Peace Laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu gives the LOCOG inaugural diversity and inclusion address. (video)
Nobel Peace Laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu gives the LOCOG inaugural diversity and inclusion address. (video)
In the week before her visit, the presiding bishop said Lambeth pressured her office to provide evidence of her ordination to each order of ministry. And she called the requirements “nonsense” and said “it is bizarre; it is beyond bizarre.”
It is true that women become more likely to work outside the home following the adoption of unilateral divorce laws, but this is not evidence that these laws favor the moneyed spouse. The reason women work more is because unilateral divorce favors the person with the best options outside of the marriage.
The way of the Church has been that of Caiaphas rather than Christ. The word Establishment suggests inevitably, and particularly in the setting of Westminster Abbey, the constitutional position of the Church of England and such a position is clearly incompatible with post-Constantinian realities and is widely recognized as being so. – Donald MacKinnon, Scottish Episcopalian and one time teacher of Rowan Williams.
As reported yesterday by The Lead, Kenneth Kearon, Secretary General of the Anglican Consultative Council, will meet with the Executive Council of General Convention.
I recently met Colin Miller, a founder of a similar house. A PhD student under Stanley Hauerwas and a candidate for ordination in the Episcopal Church, Miller and his wife started something like a Catholic Worker house, also by accident. Their local parish had a nasty and protracted fight that left the church rolls almost empty. So there was no one left, in Miller’s words, “to run off the homeless people.”
Like it or not, Southern Baptist Convention, the only way to resurge is to hide your brand under a bushel. .The whole denominational thing is, like Barbara Boxer’s hair, so yesterday.
Philosophy being nothing else but the study of wisdom and truth, it may with reason be expected that those who have spent most time and pains in it should enjoy a greater calm and serenity of mind, a greater clearness and evidence of knowledge, and be less disturbed with doubts and difficulties than other men.
I have noticed that at diocesan services you see some standing and some knelling at the Eucharist. People stand or kneel depending on the practice at their parish, except that some clearly yo yo and are influenced to kneel when many others have chosen to kneel. The uncertainty creates some distraction from worship, but setting that aside I celebrate the diversity.