Australian politics: Archbishops critical of atheist PM
For atheist PM: 1 Anglican archbishop. Against atheist PM: 1 Anglican archbishop, 2 Catholic archbishops.
For atheist PM: 1 Anglican archbishop. Against atheist PM: 1 Anglican archbishop, 2 Catholic archbishops.
The internet has great potential to create new, global connections. The reality is that we tend to listen to people just like us. How do we create real, global conversations? Ethan Zuckerman and Global Voices offers a solution.
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Phoenix AZ was the site a large inter-faith prayer service yesterday morning organized by religious leaders in the city opposed to the new law that would ramp up the pressure on undocumented people living in the state of Arizona.
Is interfaith marriage good for American society? Is it good for religion? What is lost -and gained -when religious people intermarry?
What happens when a virtual ministry dips its fingers into the tangible aspects of incorporation? As it works the details, a fledgling international online Anglican community shows us how it understands itself.
In several different contexts over the past month, I’ve been brought up short again by this quotation from Evelyn Underhill’s The Spiritual Life. She writes: “a spiritual life is simply a life in which all that we do comes from the centre, where we are anchored in God
From what we know of Lord Shaftesbury’s character, it is not surprising that he should have thrown himself headlong into the Slavery question, which was attracting great attention in consequence of the revelations made in the volume by Mrs. Stowe, “Uncle Tom’s Cabin.” This book stirred up a hatred of slavery which is unprecedented. Lord Shaftesbury entered actively into the movement, prepared an address from the women on England to those in America, and the negro slave question was discussed in all its bearings.