Bishops blogging: Fall House of Bishops Meeting
Bishops blog on their fall meeting in Phoenix AZ.
Bishops blog on their fall meeting in Phoenix AZ.
While the plots seem ludicrous, characters are frequently put into situations that raise basic questions: Do I choose my true love or my career? Is it right to pursue a relationship with someone my family doesn’t approve of? Are there times when it is right to be dishonest? Is good behavior always rewarded with happiness? Can evil people truly be redeemed?
Which is more important? Entering heaven or entering the Roman Catholic Church? Reports are that when John Henry Newman is beatified, the date of his feast in their calendar will be the date of his conversion to Roman Catholicism, not the day of his death.
A Baptist congregation in Texas has separated itself from their state’s conference because the local church welcomes gay and lesbians contrary to the policy of their denomination.
After suggesting that coming to a secular Britain is like landing in a “third world” country, Cardinal Walter Kasper has withdrawn from the Pope’s visit to the UK, citing a “sudden illness.”
When I hear mission, I hear, periphery. I hear hierarchy. I hear separation. I hear paternalism. All of that makes me tired indeed. I wonder what might happen if mission was recognized as the organizing principle of the baptismal life and of the beloved community?
At Rupertsberg Convent you can observe all the virtues marvelously competing to outdo one another. The mother [Hildegard] receives her daughters with such great love, and the daughters submit to their mother with such immense respect, that it is scarcely possible to decide whether the mother exceeds the daughters, or the daughters the mother in enthusiasm. These holy servants care for one another and in this way honour and respect one another,