The loss of members, influence, and a sense of mission—the church’s misfortune of the moment—resembles the experience of Israel’s exile. The lesson of the present dislocation is clear, if still not learned. The era of Christendom is gone. No longer is culture subsidizing and supporting churches.
Frank Turner, University Librarian at Yale and author of a recently published biography of John Henry Newman, died suddenly last week. Turner, contributed the essay “The imagined community of the Anglican Communion” to the Cafe last September. His widow, the Rev. Ellen Tillotson, is rector of Trinity Episcopal Church in Torrington, Connecticut.
The American conservative movement treats the IRD like the bladder on a set of bagpipes, pumping air into it when certain notes must be hit, leaving it more or less empty the rest of the time. At the moment, it serves no real purpose,
Next week the Church of England’s General Synod will be asked to take an apparently momentous decision. Should it sign up to a formal, international, disciplinary process which would allow other churches a voice on whether it is truly Anglican or not?
One week after a proposal to allow dioceses to individually permit women’s ordination to the priesthood was turned down by the Tenth Synod of the Province of the Southern Cone, the Diocese of Uruguay has voted to seek another jurisdiction with which to share its ministry.
Since 2003, a significant number of primates have attempted to use the Primates Meeting as an opportunity to inflict damage on the Episcopal Church, preferably by replacing it with the Anglican Church in North America. Am I wrong in thinking that it is in the best interest of our Church for these meetings not to occur–or to occur without our adversaries present?
Let us consider what it is to live godly in Christ Jesus. This supposes that we are made the righteousness of God in Christ, that we are born again, and are one with Christ by a living faith, and a vital union, even as Jesus Christ and the Father are One. Unless we are thus converted, and transformed by the renewing of our minds, we cannot properly be said to be in Christ, much less to live godly in him.