Anglican ritual meets adolescent verve
The Washington Post reports on a wonderful mix of Anglican rite and adolescent verve that is the Whitechapel Guild, the group of change ringers at the all-girls National Cathedral School.
The Washington Post reports on a wonderful mix of Anglican rite and adolescent verve that is the Whitechapel Guild, the group of change ringers at the all-girls National Cathedral School.
Trinity Episcopal Church in Reno, Nevada hosted the 25th Annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Eve Service on November 24.
CHEFS is a ministry of Episcopal Community Services Center that trains the homeless to work as chefs in the San Francisco area.
A 14-year-old student at St. Michael’s Episcopal School, Richmond, VA is spending his Thanksgiving in Portamao, Portugal, representing the USA in the World Roller Skating Championships.
When the General Synod sent the Covenant out to the dioceses of the Church of England, this was supposed to be Rowan’s last gasp to keep conservatives from bolting. But the GAFCON statement after the vote was a pie in the face for him and the whole idea. The very people for whom he spent his spiritual capital have left him holding the bag. Here is the an alternative.
In a climate of intimidation and fear, he dares to confess out loud the name of Aslan the lion, the true King and the Son of the Emperor beyond the sea. The magical world of Narnia has come under the spell of the white witch, who styles herself its queen and keeps it in bondage, so that it is always winter but never Christmas.
The duty of prayer is so great and necessary a part of religion, that every degree of assistance toward the discharge of it will be always acceptable to pious minds. The inward and spiritual performance of this worship is taught us in many excellent discourses; but a regular scheme of prayer, as a Christian exercise, or a piece of holy skill, has been much neglected.