A fascinating document on everything from the percentage of Christians in the world population – about the same from 1900 to 2010 to ecclesiastical crime – rising exponentially.
Nominations for membership on seven bodies or positions to be elected at the Episcopal Church’s General Convention in 2012 are now being accepted by the Joint Standing Committee on Nominations.
UPDATED: with Spanish version. This year we’re going to hear a bit we haven’t heard in Episcopal churches before, in that missing verse 5. It’s pretty shocking, but it helps explain why the hunger for light is so intense, and the joy so great when it comes: “For all the boots of the tramping warriors and all the garments rolled in blood shall be burned as fuel for the fire.”
Despite those who deny there is a climate change issue, countries and religious groups are moving forward again to address the impact of human life on the planet.
Google, Facebook, Twitter and Email tell the age old story:
I wish to speak solely of those ceremonies into which enters nothing of a suspicious nature, and of which many people make use nowadays with indiscreet devotion, attributing such efficacy and faith to these ways and manners wherein they desire to perform their devotions and prayers, that they believe that, if they fail to the very slightest extent in them, or go beyond their limits,