Seeing the light: Gabrielle Giffords and the season of Epiphany
“Gabby opened her eyes. May we also open ours and see the glory that shines round about us.”
“Gabby opened her eyes. May we also open ours and see the glory that shines round about us.”
Perhaps this kind of thinking is more widespread than we might think at first.
“Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry, Nichols says King told her, was showing the nation a universe where ‘for the first time, we [African-Americans] are being seen the world over … as we should be seen’. And ‘you have created a character’ that is critical to that, he said.”
On Facebook this week, we asked about how people are honoring Martin Luther King Jr. this weekend, whether in services or otherwise.
“Those of other faiths or none, and of even moderately enlightened disposition, will be more inclined to turn their backs in anger.”
Mixed news from Brisbane: while thousands are put to work cleaning up, uncertainty continues.
We are meant to gather together, to learn and laugh together, to love and cry together. And, together, we account for each other. We teach each other and hold each other to standards of civility and grace. We love (and live) for the long term and not the short term. The Christian Church, at our best, offers true and beloved community.
The first disciples of our Lord had, some of them, been disciples of John the Baptist, and the function of that wonderful prophet was to proclaim that now the time was come, and God’s purpose was about to be consummated—the kingdom was at hand,