UPDATED: more stories below Prayers ascending for
From Anglican Taonga: Thousands gathered in Christchurch yesterday to worship and pay their respects to those killed in last Tuesday’s earthquake.
Bishop William Love of the Diocese of Albany is in a quandary. The Presiding Bishop, who is extremely popular with the faithful, but not with Bishop Love, is coming to town. He can’t tell her to stay home–the visit is canonically mandated–but he doesn’t want her appearance to energize the moderate and progressive Episcopalians. What to do?
The criticism was so widespread and energetic that on a day that revolutions roiled the Middle East, union members packed the state capitol building in Wisconsin, the number one college basketball team in the country was defeated, and the Best Picture buzz was at its height, Bell was suddenly “trending” on twitter.
Under the plans no church, chapel, synagogue or mosque will be compelled to host any ceremony. Nor would changing the law – and so implementing an amendment to the Equalities Act, which the Lords passed with all-party support last year – create any new “right” for gay couples, as some have wrongly reported.
For the first time, a legitimate scientific survey is showing very clearly that the proportion of Americans who agree or strongly agree that same sex marriage should be legal exceeds the proportion who either oppose or strongly oppose marital rights. 46% of Americans favor civil rights, while 40% oppose civil rights.
The a challenge to church officials who support the proposed Anglican Covenant, especially leaders in the Church of England, accusing them of a pattern of
I may say honestly and truthfully that my one aim is and always has been, as far as I may, to hold a torch for the children of a group too long exploited and too frequently disparaged in its struggling for the light. I have not made capital of my race, have paid my own way and have never asked a concession or claimed a gratuity.