Day: March 15, 2011

A litany for Japan

For the wisdom, resources, and technological skill that a nuclear disaster might be averted, Arise O Christ and help us.

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We need to do Lent better

Lent used to be serious business in the Church, much along the same way that Ramadan is for most Muslims. But lately it’s become more of a token event in the life of the individual Christian. It’s pretty much widely ignored in the non-liturgical traditions.

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Relief efforts in Japan (update)

Episcopal Relief & Development said March 14 that its Japan Earthquake Response Fund will provide support to the province and the Diocese of Tohoku, including the planned emergency relief center at the diocesan building and the provincial response structure capable of dealing with a disaster of this magnitude.

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Sewanee Plan opposed as Imperium in Imperio

“From time immemorial the boast of the Church has been the brotherhood of man, and its disregard of race or color in its ministrations. This is not a mere sentiment, as some claim, but one of the most cherished and time-honored principles of the Church, and one which she has held fast to throughout all the changes of the years. The one bishop administering to the sheep of both flocks is not a mere sentiment or tradition, but a priceless heritage, rendered sacred by the practice and injunction of the years.” – James Solomon Russell, 1907

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Taylor on temptations

God, who is the fountain of good, did choose rather to bring good out of evil, than not to suffer any evil to be: not only because variety of accidents and natures do better entertain our affections and move our spirits, who are transported and suffer great impressions by a circumstance,

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