The idea is pretty simple – between the 2nd and 6th of May, the Methodist Relief and Development Fund is asking people to see if they can live below the global poverty line, with a budget of £5 for all their meals for five days.
The Archbishop of Canterbury today welcomed senior church leaders and international development agencies at Lambeth Palace to pledge that the church will play a part in ending sexual violence and to launch a Tearfund report ‘Silent No More’.
Are the attacks on Libya an example of “Just War”?
The Holy Eucharist is the doing in the sensible world, by God’s appointment under material forms, what Christ our Head and Chief is ever doing in the spiritual world. There is an earthly altar, and a human priesthood, and bread and wine; but Christ is really present as priest, and offering, and the food of the faithful who feed upon the sacrifice. One would expect that since Christ is in the Eucharist as priest and offering.