Day: March 27, 2011

Fighting anti-gay systems in asylum and at home

“The political climate in Uganda ‘enables a wide range of abuses and violations that seriously diminish the quality of life of all lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex persons, most of whom seek to stay under the public radar. It also places many such persons in serious and extreme danger.'”

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Sunday Social Hour – the welcoming parish

This week on our social networks, it’s been fairly quiet. The Café’s art blog now has its own photo album on Facebook, which should make it easier for fans to share the images on their own pages if they wish to do so. One of the threads on “Hymn Madness” evolved into a conversation about what brings people to church.

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Whatever happened to the common good?

Politicians (both parties) who tell us we just haven’t got the money for a social welfare, ‘nanny government,’ and that we’ve got to balance the budget simply won’t talk about the cost of social inequality in a stagnating economy, massive unemployment of our youth (including college graduates), and collapse of our educational base for industrial innovation and human growth in the arts.

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Honest simplicity

Simplicity means not being complicated, not being double in any way, not deluding oneself or anyone else. The first exercise in simplicity is to accept oneself as one is. There are two tremendous results of this: one is humility; the other is that it enables other people to accept us as we are, and in this there is real charity.

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