T-minus 168 hours and counting…?
A radio preacher named Harold Camping has predicted that the rapture will occur at 6 pm PDT on May 21, 2011.
A radio preacher named Harold Camping has predicted that the rapture will occur at 6 pm PDT on May 21, 2011.
What David Lang writes about American composers on creating “classical” music in the 21st century, might also apply to how we understand the church.
When you have a big event, lots of cameras and a global audience, what do you say…and what does your choice say about you and your church?
And it’s all discipline all the time.
From Twitter: wthrockmorton (@wthrockmorton) 5/13/11 10:16 AM http://t.co/Qemyz6l It is official: Uganda’s Parliament has adjourned with no action on AHB. Check link for updates #uganda
“Ugandan lawmakers and government leaders need to know that the world is watching, and that passage of such a bill will have political, diplomatic, and financial repercussions.”
As I’ve considered Frances’ life, it’s struck me that she addressed one of the questions that all of us must answer. To use Cain’s phrasing, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” To put the question in more religious terms: “Does God have intentions for our relationships as God’s people?” “Are we responsible before God for more than our own lives?”