Slee memo, less redacted
We now have an only slightly redacted version of the Slee memo. What it omits is Slee’s daughter cover letter, and the last portion of
We now have an only slightly redacted version of the Slee memo. What it omits is Slee’s daughter cover letter, and the last portion of
If Church of Engalnd leaders continue to discriminate against even those lesbians and gays who have made considerable sacrifices out of respect for church discipline, there will be considerable damage to its credibility as a force for love and justice in the world.
If you have been reading the Colin Slee memo on archbishops behaving badly and wondered what was redacted from the original document, we can now say that what is missing is the cover letter by Slee’s daughter (a good call, we think), and the second of two appendices. The reason for this redaction, we assume, is because it contains an email exchange between Slee and Chris Smith of Lambeth Palace, who has not given anyone permission to publish the exchange.
Church of England Newspaper scores unintentional self-parody award: MP’s fear that Jerusalem will become a ‘gay’ hymn: The Church of England Newspaper, May 27, 2011
“Focus for unity” may appear to be a reasonable phrase, but in fact it is meaningless; it allows the blocking of anyone as a bishop because someone doesn’t like the look of them, with no definition of who is and isn’t acceptable.
As Abyei becomes a target for Khartoum’s military thrust and as other border areas experience harassment and violence, the quest for peace and stability for the new South Sudan and protection for Christians in the north remains an urgent goal. “Sudanese forces attacked Abyei town on Saturday [May 21] at around 8 p.m. The whole town was completely set on fire and approximately 20,000 people fled towards the bush and towns in Warrap state,” an unnamed local church leader.
In the report, she said across the diocese “and probably in many other dioceses” there had been “a lack of understanding of the seriousness of historic child abuse”. Senior clergy, including bishops, were slow to act on information available to them and to assess the potential risk to children in the diocese, she added. She said there was inadequate communication between senior clergy and child protection advisors in the diocese, and there was “seriously inadequate record keeping”.
“Your everlasting peace, O king, and that of your kingdom, is the object we desire to promote in coming hither; we bring you, as we have already made known, tidings of never-ending joy. If you receive them, you will be blessed for ever, both here and in the Kingdom which is without end. The Creator and Redeemer of the world has opened to mankind the Kingdom of Heaven, and of citizens of the earth makes men inhabitants of a celestial city