We survived our tough times. We want you to survive yours.
Holy Apostles Church in New York City has made an excellent contribution to the It Gets Better series
Holy Apostles Church in New York City has made an excellent contribution to the It Gets Better series
“We need to go buy you a pistol, don’t we?” he asked quietly. He meant to shoot myself with. “Yes, Sweet Thing,” I said, with a smile. “We do.” I loved him for that.
As a moral matter, if the church has done wrong by victims of sexual abuse, we need to repent and make amends. And as a practical matter, it will go better for us if we confess our own sins than if we have the investigative reporters who take Bishop Marshall up on his offer confess them for us.
Today is the feast of St. Benedict. Benedict’s rule of life has brought focus and balance to centuries of Christians wishing to live an authentic and healthy life. Benedict’s rule structures each day as being grounded in liturgical prayer and spiritual reading, with plenty of time for rest, for work, for eating, and for building relationship. The three promises of the Benedictine rule are promises of stability, obedience and amendment of life.
In June the Church Pension Fund Trustees voted that the Pension Fund would begin providing “parity of benefits for legally-married same-gender spouses,” to come into effect July 1, 2011. The CPF sent out a letter to that effect this last week.
The other day Jim, my husband, said, “I don’t know where home is anymore.” We are continuing the process of selling our home of over 30 years where we raised our three children. We have a home to move to but are in transition, still spending time in one place, keeping it up and tidy for prospective buyers. Often when we wake up in the night we can’t remember where we are.