Evangelicals who excel in science get into trouble
Asking questions and searching for answers is something that most scholars value. When your job is reconcile a literal Christianity with science, it’s work that
Asking questions and searching for answers is something that most scholars value. When your job is reconcile a literal Christianity with science, it’s work that
The official child poverty rate grew by 18 percent and poverty levels for families with children increased in 38 states, according to a new study.
We who have many good things, perhaps too many, as even those of us who live relatively simple lives by the standards of our culture do? We are to use these good gifts to show mercy. Not because that makes us especially good or deserving of praise, but because it sets our hearts free from any master less than God and rectifies an injustice that is in fact killing our neighbors.
Bosco Peters, on his Liturgy blog, reports of a growing trend of Roman Catholic priests to vocally call for change in leadership restrictions in spite
The question of job creation is the early hot topic in qualifying Rick Perry’s run for the presidency. Statistics of Texas job growth under Perry’s