Going global to lend a hand
The Miami Herald reports on churches and synagogues traveling to the world to offer their hands and their skills to help others. One featured congregation
The Miami Herald reports on churches and synagogues traveling to the world to offer their hands and their skills to help others. One featured congregation
The Washington Post reports that repairs to the earthquake damaged National Cathedral will run to $15 million.
Anger too easily moves to violence, or if we are too vigilant for that, it moves to resentment. It tears at us and eats us. And while we think that we are crusading for righteousness, we too often become the very thing that made us angry in the first place. But when we have really listened to our anger and responded to it with compassion, somehow it transforms in us.
The Rt. Rev. Henry Parsley, Bishop of Alabama,
There is a long history about religious people who do good, but their good acts provoke opposition from religious authorities. In today’s reading Jesus does two good things things, but he provokes opposition because he acts outside the conventions and customs of his religious heritage.
UPDATED AGAIN: People are chanting, marching, placarding, camping out, leafleting, and standing as witnesses for a different economy, one that serves the flourishing of all, especially those “losers” in the global economy, instead of exploiting and furthering the gap between the wealthy and everyone else.