Day: October 7, 2011

One woman’s year of living biblically

She started the project in response to the pressure on Christian women to live up to an ideal of biblical womanhood. This intrigued her because the bible includes both the “Proverbs 31 woman who rises before dawn each day to make breakfast, and Jael who drove a tent peg through her enemies’ [temple].”

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Friday October 7

Deliver me, O LORD, from evildoers;* protect me from the violent, Who devise evil in their hearts* and stir up strife all day long. They

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Remembering Matthew Shepard: silence is not an option

As the Mishna tells us, “It is not our responsibility to finish the task, but we may not refrain from starting it.” It may be that we will never eradicate homophobia – or Islamophobia, or transphobia, or anti-Semitism – in our lifetimes; the task itself often feels overwhelming. But that is no excuse, for silence is not an option. ~Noah Baron

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