Walking the labyrinth: a brief autobiography
Washington Post columnist and “On Faith” Editor in Chief Sally Quinn visits with CNN Belief Blog about her experiences of walking the labyrinth.
Washington Post columnist and “On Faith” Editor in Chief Sally Quinn visits with CNN Belief Blog about her experiences of walking the labyrinth.
Seeing as how Texas is the fourth leading state in commercial pumpkin production, it only makes sense that Episcopalians there would seek to create a revenue stream from them.
Many chaplains currently involved “have been involved in organizing, social justice efforts, and various campaigns” over the years.
“The Church could not exist with any integrity if it forgot that every person is of immeasurable value in God’s eyes and so immeasurably worthy of our attention and service.”
Keeping my gun away during a worship service is a form of my religious freedom being violated. It’s a bit of twisted logic, all right, but no one’s saying this has to make sense.
Jesus is the cornerstone of a house built for those who are rejected by the world, Father Matthew says.
Psalm 107:23-32 2 Kings 2:19-22 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 Mark 6:45-56 “The service we render to others is really the rent we pay for our room