Bishop Sauls: ‘God is eternally oriented to the other’
“Jesus asks a very important question, not about ancient Roman coins, but about us. Whose image do we bear? Is it the emperor’s? Or is it God’s?”
“Jesus asks a very important question, not about ancient Roman coins, but about us. Whose image do we bear? Is it the emperor’s? Or is it God’s?”
The point of the OWS movement is that it is an embodiment not merely of a political ideology or social commentary, but also of an expression that gives the movement what many observe and experience as its spiritual quality.
An establishment viewed as a bastion of tradition is turning to a new app to encourage more “applications.” The app, says the church, is “designed to promote vocations to the priesthood.”
“How can we persuade people to give more?” Not surprisingly, this is one of the most frequent questions I encounter in my work as a congregational consultant. Whether I’m consulting mainly on strategic planning, governance change, or growth plans (I rarely come in as a fundraiser any more), clients always want to raise more money.
Sometimes I’ve wondered how I might have responded had I lived in Galilee during Jesus’ ministry. Would I have paid attention to him and to his movement? Would I have listened and responded?
…as best as everyone can tell the following account explains what happened. Last Sunday, October 9, a large demonstration in Cairo of up to ten thousand Coptic Christians … was held to protest a church that was burned down in Upper Egypt (southern Egypt). Muslims also joined in the demonstration in solidarity with the Christians.