Day: December 14, 2011

Odd doings in the Traditional Anglican Communion

Archbishop John Hepworth of the Traditional Anglican Communion will step down as of Pentecost. Seems that Archbishop or not, the Catholic culture into which Hepworth was so keen to lead his people has demonstrated intolerance in the case of his accusations about being raped in a Catholic seminary 40 years ago.

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A life of mutuality before the Covenant

From the Encyclical letter of the 1878 Lambeth Conference: “First, that the duly certified action of every national or particular Church, and of each ecclesiastical province (or diocese not included in a province), in the exercise of its own discipline, should be respected by all the other Churches, and by their individual members.”

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A Gift

She was in heaven, and there she met the dearest friends she had ever had. They loved her more than anyone else had ever loved her, and they knew her better than even her beloved family did. And she knew she loved them, more than anyone, even family. But, she wondered, she didn’t know their names.

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