Christians to form ring of prayer around Occupy London camp
UPDATE: St. Paul’s joins effort to oust protesters while others form ring of prayer. From
UPDATE: St. Paul’s joins effort to oust protesters while others form ring of prayer. From
It is our understanding that what John has done is hire a lawyer to inform the Church of England that provisions which prohibit anyone in a civil union–be they gay or straight, celibate or sexually active–from becoming a bishop are discriminatory.
Put aside for the moment the nature of the liturgy and the music, and whether you find the people who attend a certain parish friendly. What are the unspoken (and possibly unintentional) ways in which a congregation communicates with you on a Sunday morning?
How would Martin Luther King, Jr., view the state of today’s faith-based activism? Some scholars believe he would be dissatisfied.
Coming right up to the rear of the church was a small cemetery. I noticed some of the graves red, white and blue flags, the kind of flag a child might wave at a veterans parade. Some of those red, white and blue flags were the American flag, but others were the Confederate battle flag.
The withdrawal by Ambassador Perezi K. Kamunanwire came one day after United Negro College Fund President and CEO Michael L. Lomax sent him a letter saying UNCF supporters had expressed concern over an anti-homosexuality bill recently introduced in the Uganda Parliament.
Compassion and love. These are our highest aspirations and values. Compassion and love — the antidote to fear, greed and power
Whichever side of the argument you are on there are grounds for real concern about the way the debate about it is progressing. It cannot be good to learn, as we do, that many bishops who are against the Anglican Covenant don’t want to say for fear of seeming disloyal, that diocesan synods are “debating” the issue without hearing both sides of the argument equally presented…