Day: March 24, 2012

Coverage of the Covenant vote

Reuters and the BBC have posted lengthy reports this evening on the votes that for all intents and purposes have scuttled the Anglican Covenant in the Church of England.

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Dinner with Rowan

Years ago, before Rowan Williams became the Archbishop of Canterbury, before the time of incredible stress on the Anglican Communion, he and Jane Williams had an informal dinner with Malcolm Boyd and his partner Mark. Boyd looks back on that dinner, remembers what the future Archbishop was like, and thanks him for showing him the face of Jesus that night.

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Anglican Covenant rejected by Church of England

So far today the Dioceses of Lincoln and Oxford have both voted “no” on the question of returning the Anglican Covenant to the General Synod for consideration by the Church of England. With at least 22 dioceses voting against the Covenant, the Church of England will not be able to be part of the Covenant, at least for the immediate future.

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Looking in the rear view mirror

Commemoration of Óscar Romero, Archbishop of San Salvador, and the Martyrs of El Salvador Readings: Psalm 31:15-24 Isaiah 2:5-7 Revelation 7:13-17 John 12:23-32 If we

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