Cape Town calling York: Communion through Covenant matters
“The Communion, and all it has the potential to be and become, under God, matters.”
“The Communion, and all it has the potential to be and become, under God, matters.”
“Christian” has become a euphemism for “acceptable to the type of Christian (in most instances Protestant) who frowns on homosexuality and wishes Saul Alinsky had minded his own business.”
“We cannot help but wonder if the shooter had been black, and the victim, white, would an arrest not have already been made? At least I cannot help but wonder that. And when I think about it, I find myself getting angrier.”
With practical administration of the Covenant in the hands of those already declaring other provinces out of communion, what are the chances cooler heads would prevail?
When I am awake and observant, alive to the wonder and beauty of life, my heart is more alive. When I am in touch with a sense of gratitude, my heart is softer. When I am motivated primarily by compassion, my actions are more heartfelt.
“Wouldn’t it be healthier to acknowledge reality? Take this as an invitation to look at the painful image in the mirror.”