How to select an Archbishop of Canterbury
This is the news release describing in detail the process of choosing the next Archbishop of Canterbury.
This is the news release describing in detail the process of choosing the next Archbishop of Canterbury.
In the late fall of 2011, Bishop David M. O’Connell, of Trenton, N.J., surveyed nearly 300 nonchurchgoing Catholics in his diocese asking some simple question: “Why did you leave?” and “Where did you go?”
When the Rev. Genieve Blackwell is consecrated Assistant Bishop of Canberra-Goulburn by Bishop Stuart Robinson, the Archbishop of Sydney, and Metropolitan of New South Wales, Peter Jensen will stay away “for reasons of conscience.”
Thinking Anglicans and Wounded Bird has a round up of reactions to the failure of the Anglican Covenant in the Church of England, and with it, the apparent failure of the plan in the Anglican Communion as a whole.
Two days after he was consecrated as bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida, Gregory Brewer was marching Monday with the crowd demanding justice for Trayvon Martin.
Jesus’ life has a pattern of downward mobility.
…how do I — and how do you — live our faith so that it becomes deeper and more authentic, more connected to the mystery that we call “God.” What do we do to open ourselves to that? What happens when we do? Many had stories to share, showing that we can indeed see ourselves as “companions on the way”