Memorial Day — Widen the Circle of Freedom
On Memorial Day there is something I can think of that would be an appropriate act of solidarity with those who have sacrificed for the protection of freedom and for the security of our families.
On Memorial Day there is something I can think of that would be an appropriate act of solidarity with those who have sacrificed for the protection of freedom and for the security of our families.
The Telegraph gives space today to those who feel that the panel charged with selecting the next Archbishop of Canterbury is dominated by liberals:
From the Anglican Journal: The House of Bishops of the Anglican Province of the Southern Cone has voted not to ratify the election of Archdeacon
Rhonda Mawhood Lee draws from memories of growing up in Montreal, a world of two languages, to reflect on the power of Pentecost:
Psalms 118, 145 Deuteronomy 16:9-12 Acts 4:18-21, 23-33 John 4:19-26 “Sir, I see that you are a prophet.” It has to be one of the