Diet groups increase church growth
Colin Mathewson asks, “Does God want you to be thin?” in
Colin Mathewson asks, “Does God want you to be thin?” in
The idea that the people of the church are too emotionally fragile to participate in legislative self-governance and must be saved from this ordeal by wiser heads is pernicious. And the notion that arguing and organizing on behalf of our principles is bad behavior that we need to unlearn is generally advanced by people who get to make the decisions when the arguing stops.
Reactions to yesterday’s news that top Church of England bishops believe marriage equality is the biggest threat to the church in 500 years are appearing
Despite considerable research showing that children of same-sex parents fare just as well as children with heterosexual parents, two papers — a review of existing studies and a new study — published June 10 in Elsevier’s Social Science Research, find insufficient data to draw any definitive conclusions.
“Go, eat your bread with enjoyment, and drink your wine with a merry heart; for God has long ago approved what you do.”
Philadelphia recently banned outdoor feeding of people in city parks. Denver has begun enforcing a ban on eating and sleeping on property without permission. And this month, lawmakers in Ashland, Ore., will consider strengthening the town’s ban on camping and making noise in public.
Readings for the feast day of Enmegahbowh Psalm 129 Isaiah 52:7-10 1 Peter 5:1-4 Luke 6:17-23 Almighty God, you led your pilgrim people of old
by Deirdre Good The remarkable thing about the recent Diamond Jubilee is the number of people that joined in the celebrations. After all, Britain is