Heart Matters
If God does something great like that with unfaithfulness, there is no limit to what God can do, especially with any form of faithfulness.
If God does something great like that with unfaithfulness, there is no limit to what God can do, especially with any form of faithfulness.
From the Hartford Courant: Following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision this week not to hear the case of a conservative Episocopal parish in Groton, Conn.
Martha Bedell Alexander, a trustee of the Church Pension Fund and a North Carolina state legislator, had announced that she will stand for election as
“Crusty Old Dean” Tom Ferguson says the presiding bishop’s budget proposal, released today, “stands the old budget on its head, and redefines it in terms
Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori has released her own budget, developed in consultation with the Church Center staff as an alternative to the budget developed by Executive Council and currently under consideration by the legislative committee on Program, Budget and Finance.
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has called on Catholics throughout the country to observe a “Fortnight for Freedom,” beginning today and running through July
This seems to be getting some viral purchase. It’s worth a look: http://www.buzzfeed.com/expresident/pictures-that-will-restore-your-faith-in-humanity
The story in Numbers 12 is a fascinating tale of racism. Moses’ sister and brother, Miriam and Aaron “spoke against Moses because of the Cushite woman whom he had married.”
A brother asked Abba Poemen, “Why should I not be free to do without manifesting my thoughts to the old men?” The old man replied,
by Sara Miles By ancient tradition, June is the month of Gay Pride. My people celebrate it as the Feast of the Unclean: the feast