A precarious moment for liberal Christianity?
Liberal Christianity would appear to be on the ropes, judging from declining membership numbers in the Episcopal Church and other increasingly progressive denominations. New York
Liberal Christianity would appear to be on the ropes, judging from declining membership numbers in the Episcopal Church and other increasingly progressive denominations. New York
Jay Akasie, who describes himself a “traditional Episcopalian”, wrote an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal yesterday that was so filled with error and misleading statements that it brought immediate rebuttal from across the Episcopal spectrum.
The Rev. David Keen, the Opininated Vicar, looks at the fact that the way things are going in the Church of England and finds that if some basic changes aren’t made, the CofE could simply collapse under it’s own weight.
No one after lighting a lamp hides it under a jar, or puts it under a bed, but puts it on a lampstand, so that