Day: August 3, 2012

We want more equality, we just don’t know it.

Americans want to live in a much more equal country. Dan Ariely of Duke University asked thousands of people to describe their ideal distribution of wealth, from top to bottom. The vast majority — rich, poor, GOP and Democrat — imagined a far more equal nation.

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The call to be one flock under the one shepherd

“The challenge at the present moment, it seems to me, is for the church to develop a ministry of recognition, in which same-sex attracted persons are dignified—alongside others—as “beloved,” while avoiding a ministry of difference…. Put differently, same-sex attracted persons should be grafted onto—not subtracted from—the one tree of Christ, nourished from that root ”

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The Fire of Mission

Our theology would improve if we thought more of the church being given to the Spirit than of the Spirit being given to the church.

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