Providing companionship during death, and after
As we pray on the Feast of All Saints for our loved ones who are gone, here is an inspiring story about efforts in Los
As we pray on the Feast of All Saints for our loved ones who are gone, here is an inspiring story about efforts in Los
Kelvin Holdsworth, provost of St. Mary’s Cathedral in Glasgow, Scotland, a speech on the Anglican Covenant made by The Rt. Rev. Victoria Matthews, Bishop of
I love All Saints Day. I find “I sing a song of the saints of God” all day long (and I mean to be one
The Diocese of North Carolina has announced a notably young and predominately female slate of nominees to stand for election as Bishop Suffragan:
A priest in our parish recently helped a political refugee from Equatorial Guinea navigate the arduous road to U.S. citizenship, so I was inspired by
Let us attend within, in the place where we stand in relationship with God, for the ways we ourselves, in our exquisite uniqueness, are crafted to be saints.