Tiffany’s religious art on display
An exhibit of the religious art of Louis C. Tiffany gives a glimpse into an era when houses of worship were built in growing American cities.
An exhibit of the religious art of Louis C. Tiffany gives a glimpse into an era when houses of worship were built in growing American cities.
Breaking: The Supreme Court has agreed to hear two cases concerning marriage equality, one on the constitutionality of California’s Proposition 8 and the other, from New York, challenges the Defense of Marriage Act.
A few Bishops in the Church of England want a go-slow approach to approving women bishops while four organizations have written a joint letter to the Bishops saying now is the time to act boldly.
Prime Minister David Cameron supports marriage equality in the UK, including allowing same sex marriages in churches if they choose.
Jesus and Isaiah speak to our contemporary political and economic scene. Right now we are in a debate. How will we act to restore prosperity to a nation with high unemployment, crumbling infrastructure, increased poverty, struggling schools and a large public debt?
A Federal indictment alleges that in a period of over five years Charles and Diana Muir embezzled $1.4 million from the Woodcock Foundation, an Episcopal Church-related charity and scholarship fund founded in 1872 and based in Louisville..