Bishops urge petitions against gun violence
The Rt Revs Jon Bruno of Los Angeles and James Curry of Connecticut are asking people to sign online petitions to end gun violence:
The Rt Revs Jon Bruno of Los Angeles and James Curry of Connecticut are asking people to sign online petitions to end gun violence:
This morning, during the darkest week of the year, a small team of us from Grace Episcopal Church in Medford, Massachusetts, stood at the West Medford Commuter Rail Station with a Blessing Station. In an attempt to help be part of Christ’s light during this darkest week of the year, we offered blessings and prayers to anyone who walked by. We were inspired by “Ashes to Go,” and some discussions on Episcopal Café, and were wondering about others ways to help bring the message of the Church outside onto the streets.
I wonder what will be the spiritual and psychic cost to a whole generation raised in armed schools. What will happen next? Demented assailants with bullet proof vests followed by a shootout between “bad guys” and “good guys?” Who will fall in the cross fire? Who will be blamed then?
I have decided I can’t go there, joining the NRA, but I do want to say, if you are a member, and you are appalled that the freedom of gun owners now consistently and repeatedly outweighs an average citizen’s ability to safely go to school, a house of worship, the mall or the movies (just the big shootings this year), then please exercise your membership power and suggest that the lobby get to the table of reasonable negotiation.
On that day the remnant of Israel and the survivors of the house of Jacob will no more lean on the one who struck them,