Episcopal Cafe 2012: Third quarter highlights
In the wake of General Convention, readers flocked to two items defending the Episcopal Church against critics in the mainstream media.
In the wake of General Convention, readers flocked to two items defending the Episcopal Church against critics in the mainstream media.
May brought the horrifying murders of the Rev. Dr. Mary-Marguerite Kohn and administrative assistant Brenda Brewington at St. Peter’s Church, Ellicott Mills in Ellicott City, Md. They were killed by Douglas Franklin Jones, a homeless man who often visited the church’s food pantry. Let us continue to remember the parish in our prayers.
January: The voluminous number of comments generated by Derek Olsen’s piece on the Non-negotiables. Derek said the Book of Common Prayer was non-negotiable. Commenter Josh
More than 1.34 million visits from what Google Analytics calls 313,698 “unique visitors” who looked at 2.56 million pages.
We’ll be looking back at 2012 on Episcopal Cafe today, and to begin we’d like to ask you what were your favorite essays, items, meditations,