Should Catholics root for Notre Dame’s football team
Michael Leahy takes a long hard look at Notre Dame’s football program and its iconic status among some American Catholics in a piece for the
Michael Leahy takes a long hard look at Notre Dame’s football program and its iconic status among some American Catholics in a piece for the
It’s possible that much of your congregation’s mission is not easily understood by most congregation members. It may also be possible that, after years of structuring your congregation toward classic ministry outcomes, you’re still not gathering the attention, interest, or emotions of most congregation members.
The meeting concerns complaints from the Diocese of Quincy Standing Committee against Bishops Peter Beckwith (Springfield), Bruce MacPherson (Western Louisiana) and Edward Salmon (South Carolina), and from the Diocese of Fort Worth Standing Committee and an individual complainant against Bishops Maurice Benitez (Dallas), John Howe (Central Florida), Paul Lambert (Dallas), William Love (Albany), Daniel Martins (Springfield), Edward Salmon (South Carolina), and James Stanton (Dallas).
We can no longer afford to lump olders together and youngers together. They are distinct groups with their own needs, styles, cultural references, and spiritualities.
Working men have been surrendered, isolated and helpless, to the hard-heartedness of employers and the greed of unchecked competition…so that a small number of very rich men have been able to lay upon the teeming masses of the laboring poor a yoke little better than that of slavery.
Life with Jesus is like the difference between water and wine. His presence bring color, depth, and flavor to our lives. His loving spirit relaxes our anxieties, opens us to joy, and brings us together into a community of celebration.
If history is any guide, the new generation will find and express an authentic and compelling interpretation of the ancient faith, and American politics and culture will be shaped in large measure by the answers the millennials find.
by Deirdre Good with help from Julian Sheffield Today’s gospel for the feast of the Epiphany is Matthew’s account of the journey of the Magi