Beloved immortals: science, miracles and ‘jellyfish time’
Beatrice Marovich writes about “jellyfish time” in Religious Dispatches:
Beatrice Marovich writes about “jellyfish time” in Religious Dispatches:
Josh O’Leary of the Iowa City Press-Citizen reports on worries that Trinity Episcopal Church will be shadowed by a proposed tower in downtown Iowa City:
Is: war, poverty, racism. Isn’t: “smoking a couple of joints a week.”
The New York Times introduces is latest “Room for Debate” segment, asking “Is Atheism a Religion?”
I often think of the Parable of the Sower as a metaphor for my own life and spirit. God has scattered God’s Word and grace abundantly, even wastefully, in my life.
Cornel West and Charles Pierce have had a lot to say as Barack Obama is installed for his second term. There is joy in some
by Donald Schell Part 1 Some of the reading that most challenges and expands my theological thinking isn’t theological at all. In the piece that