Presiding Bishop to visit Central Florida
If there are any who wish to be excused because of conscience, illness or some other weighty reason, they should contact Bishop Brewer in writing stating their reasons for not attending.
If there are any who wish to be excused because of conscience, illness or some other weighty reason, they should contact Bishop Brewer in writing stating their reasons for not attending.
Sarah Eagle Heart, staff officer for Indigenous Ministries of The Episcopal Church, offers a heartfelt plea for support of the Violence Against Women Act, and
Rhode Island Governor Lincoln Chafee is participating is a panel discussion at New York University today to discuss the “economic harms” of not allowing gay
John 3:16-21 Sitting behind an idling pickup truck waiting for a train, I contemplate the black and white bumper sticker just above the smoking tail
Thom S. Rainer suggests that unlike baby boomers, the millennial generation tends to prefer small to big. Witness the decline of the shopping mall in