Day: April 16, 2013

Non-partisan panel: US engaged in torture post-9/11

The New York Times reports: A nonpartisan, independent review of interrogation and detention programs in the years after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks concludes that “it is indisputable that the United States engaged in the practice of torture” and that the nation’s highest officials bore ultimate responsibility for it.

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Boston backstory: the man in the cowboy hat

Tasneem Raja of Mother Jones has the story of one of the heroes of the finish line. Carlos Arredondo–the man with the cowboy hat–lived a life scarred by violence and anguish, event before the bombs went off.

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Casting Out Fear

The message and spirit of today’s reading seems timely in the wake of the shocking bombing yesterday at the Boston Marathon. Such cruel acts intend to sow fear and to invite hate. If we are to be helpful in responding to this kind of evil, we will need embrace another way.

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Shroud of Turin and physics of resurrection

[This] recasts the Shroud as a testament to Christ’s Resurrection, and not, as currently revered, a relic of Christ’s passion and death. This is a crucial reconception, one that makes sense of the scriptural record, and suggests that the morbid, and ultimately destructive, fascination of Christianity with the suffering of Christ is misplaced.

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