What your commencement says about public faith and ethics
While sitting through endless commencement exercises, both as a faculty member and as a dad, David Gushee, Distinguished University Professor of Christian Ethics at Mercer
While sitting through endless commencement exercises, both as a faculty member and as a dad, David Gushee, Distinguished University Professor of Christian Ethics at Mercer
Andrew Brown wonders “whether things are going to change [in the Church of England], or whether the church will pootle along, like an exhausted cyclist, until it finally wobbles over and collapses.”
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Welby is the first tweeting AB of C, and likes to tell his followers (of whom he has a surprisingly small number – 29,000 to Pope Francis’s 2.5m) about the love of Christ but also about how he’s just been shoe shopping. Alas, today he isn’t in the new shoes I’d read about; when he lifts his foot to show me I see his old black brogues have holes in the soles.
A wide majority of Americans support the Boy Scouts of America’s proposal to admit gay scouts for the first time, and most oppose the organization’s plans to continue to bar gay adults from serving as scout leaders, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.
Updated The former archbishop of York, the Most Rev. David Hope, was accused Friday of covering up child abuse by a Church of England clergyman who has since died.
by Linda Ryan Today being my furlough day from work, I had a little more discretionary time after I got up than I usually do.
Now about eight days after these sayings Jesus took with him Peter and John and James, and went up on the mountain to pray. And