Philadelphia 11 priest retires
The Rev. Alison Cheek, one of the first eleven women ordained in The Episcopal Church, is retiring from parish work according to
The Rev. Alison Cheek, one of the first eleven women ordained in The Episcopal Church, is retiring from parish work according to
Brian is a debt collector who repossesses cars from people with bad debts. But he’s also had money problems himself, so he knows how it feels from both sides.
Almost half of the respondent in a recent poll by the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion and Public Life say that the declining influence
Every time I hear the opening lines of Psalm 98, I always think of the hymn “Earth and All Stars”–and, invariably, every time I mention that hymn, someone curbsides me and asks, “Isn’t that the hymn with the line about the loud, boiling test tubes?”
It’s summer, and I work at a church, so I’m getting a fairly incessant barrage of emails from church youth groups all over the country asking if we have any last-minute volunteer opportunities for their coming mission trips to San Francisco. Can fifteen or twenty of their teenagers come to our food pantry some Friday and work for us? Do we know about any other service opportunities, since they’ll be here for three days and would like to do something for the homeless, or the hungry, or people in need?