Day: August 2, 2013

The company that lives together is productive together

Enplug is an advertising-technology company whose office is a six-bedroom, three-bathroom Ranch-style home in the Bel Air section of Los Angeles. Twelve of the company’s 37 employees, including the chief executive, live and work there—24 hours a day, seven days a week—without the commute and few outside distractions.

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A new security strategy: trust over fear.

Gather millions of people from all over the world for a public event, throw in a new pope and what do you have? A security nightmare! Yet Pope Francis appeared to break all the rules for dignitaries in public

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A conversation with the Dean

The Dean of the Washington National Cathedral, The Very Rev. Gary Hall, sat down with Sally Quinn of the Washington Post, who profiled him for the paper.

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People raised in non-religious homes tend to remain non-religious

The percentage of people who grew up in non-religious families is growing. These folks tend to remain non-religious and fewer of them are marrying people who are religious. This means that we entering the second, perhaps the third generation, of people who have no first-hand familiarity with the basic function or teachings of religion.

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