Day: November 16, 2013

On being the first female bishop in Africa

I have tried to emphasise the issues of transformation and not just reciting the catechism. I would like to see transformation in the Church and my message has always been about a renewed church. It’s been a message of being Anglican but doing things differently. ~The Rt Revd Ellinah Wamukoya, Swaziland

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Counting martyrs

Religious persecution happens all over the world and in some places in the world proclaiming the Gospel out loud can result in death, but is it really true that over 100,000 Christians are martyred every year and that over a million people have been killed for their faith in the last decade?

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Margaret of Scotland

Readings: Psalm 112:1-9 Deuteronomy 15:7-11 2 John 1-9 Luke 4:16-22 Margaret of Scotland was a queen but also an exemplar of what it means to

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