Generations, like people, have personalities, and Millennials — the American teens and twenty-somethings who are making the passage into adulthood at the start of a new millennium — have begun to forge theirs: confident, self-expressive, liberal, upbeat and open to change.
W.H. Auden had a secret life that his closest friends knew little or nothing about.
UPDATE: From the UMC
The Reverend David Sellery, Author, Resource Creator and Retreat Leader. Committed to a vocation that focuses on encountering God in the midst of everyday life,
by George Clifford PART 3 of 3 (see Part 2) Part 1 of this essay reviewed historical trends effecting TEC. Part 2 extended the analysis
While sitting in the doctor’s office, I was intrigued by the sky as seen through a rectangular window. The clouds were skittering by, yet