Day: August 15, 2014

Keeping vigil in Ferguson

While the situation is still unfolding in Ferguson, Missouri, and official information often contradictory, the Episcopal Church both locally and nationally continues to minister to the community in concert with other faith groups.

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Ministry in the midst of an epidemic

Efforts to stem the spread of the Ebola virus in West Africa are being hampered by a slow response, lack of medical supplies, illiteracy, poverty and misinformation. But the Anglican Churches there, which have deep, historic connections to the Episcopal Church, are learning how to effectively minister in the midst of the epidemic.

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Prayer and anxiety

Prayer can be very calming. Or very disturbing. It depends on your assumptions about God and how the universe works that makes the difference.

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A change in tone & tactics in Ferguson

Governor Jay Nixon has put the Missouri Highway Patrol in charge of security in Ferguson, Missouri and appointed Captain Ronald S. Johnson, who grew up in the area, to lead the effort. Johnson immediately ordered the removal of the military-style presence and an end to confrontational tactics.

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