Hooray for the Scottish Episcopal Church!
Because the Scots said “yes” the Episcopal Church in the USA got our first bishop, Samuel Seabury. And through the Scots, our Church is set abalze whenever we invoke the Holy Spirit.
Because the Scots said “yes” the Episcopal Church in the USA got our first bishop, Samuel Seabury. And through the Scots, our Church is set abalze whenever we invoke the Holy Spirit.
Dave Albertson says that the from the time of St. Paul down to the present, the church is a bourgeois institution. So the decline of the church is tied directly to the decline of the middle class.
The Rev. Canon Mark H. Sims, rector of St. Mary Magdalene Episcopal Church in Coral Springs, Florida, is suing the city of Fort Lauderdale for the right to continue to feed the homeless on city streets.
In a lead article, the Spectator praises Archbishop Justin Welby for his leadership, especially in leading the charge to reform payday lending in the UK, and likening his style and temperament with “his Catholic opposite number, Pope Francis.”
Greater personal faith predicts lower attachment to guns and lower levels of gun ownership and that may indicate that religion may promote the kind of conversations about gun control that move beyond the slogans and partisan divides that has made practical solutions impossible.
Friday, November 14, 2014 – Proper 27, Year Two [Go to Mission St Clare for an online version of the Daily Office including today’s scripture