The problem of Evil: responses to Stephen Fry
Last Monday we posted an item about an interview with famed British comedic actor Stephen Fry “where he is asked a hypothetical question by presenter
Last Monday we posted an item about an interview with famed British comedic actor Stephen Fry “where he is asked a hypothetical question by presenter
From Mentalfloss.com Everyone knows you can buy cheese, fruitcake, and really good beer from monks, but those aren’t the only businesses that these holy men
Jesus, I recognized, acted in ways that bent or made exceptions to the Law if adhering to the Law (or to its then prevalent interpretation) would have resulted in behaviors that disrespected or devalued persons. In other words, respect for the well-being of others was a foundational virtue for Jesus.
Yahweh who has been present among the people all along, and the people have obviously forgotten, both before the exile- in their worship of other gods, and during the exile- as they despaired of ever returning home and mourned the loss of the center of their worship in the destruction of the Temple. Their minds have skittered and scampered away, lured by distraction, and they have allowed themselves to become lost.