The Magazine: Exploring the archives of Philadelphia Episcopal parishes
Philadelphia Studies is a website dedicated to highlighting hidden treasures from the archives of Philadelphia are Episcopal Churches.
Philadelphia Studies is a website dedicated to highlighting hidden treasures from the archives of Philadelphia are Episcopal Churches.
And by their omission, we are being taken still further along the road from baptism as an expression of the big themes of death and resurrection to baptism as a polite middle-class naming ceremony. Once again, it feels like the church is chopping off its own balls.
To me, yoga means moving through the world authentically both on and off of the mat. When I am practicing yoga, I am in dialogue with the divine.
In New Haven, the winter weather has resulted in a travel ban, so the parish of St Paul and St James will gather on Facebook instead.
I have lots of habits. Some are bad, like never turning the lights off when I leave a room; others are good, for instance I’m usually prompt. But my best habit is the one I wear as a Sister in the Anamchara Fellowship. Every time I put it on I think of Paul’s description of the full armor of God
At some point between two hills, transfiguration and the skull, these conniving disciples would start to understand. They’d have to give up delusions of grandeur, their secret dreams, and their own stubborn wills.