Day: March 14, 2015

Priest arrested for DUI

Officers allegedly found the open container of Absolut on the center console, as well as vodka inside a water bottle, 31 Lorazepam pills prescribed in someone else’s name, and 22 packets of Tramadol, a high-potency pain killer. Cops also said she failed a field sobriety test.

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More justice less Jason

Jason’s role is to preserve that order. In a culture that will only give up its moral judgment when you pry it from its cold dead fingers, the use of conservative religion as a blunt weapon against sex education in public schools, reproductive choice for women and families, or even drug legalization, seems to me to embody that same spirit of death and oppression that the demented killer Jason Voorhees represents.

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Legislative Aides wanted for General Convention

legislative aides serve the House of Deputies by working closely with the officers of legislative committees to help legislation move through convention efficiently and smoothly. For General Convention 2015, legislative aides will be appointed through a new open application process.

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π day, π time

Then he made the Sea of cast bronze, ten cubits from one brim to the other; it was completely round. Its height was five cubits, and a line of thirty cubits measured its circumference.

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