Get to know the candidates: new materials posted
The Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop has published a booklet introducing the four nominees by way of a short essay
The Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop has published a booklet introducing the four nominees by way of a short essay
“I said, ‘I am going to build a big cross, higher than any in the world, in a Muslim country,’ ” said Gill, 58. “It will be a symbol of God, and everybody who sees this will be worry-free.”
Since the Golden Triangle is now being revitalized with massive new construction of residential and commercial space, there could be no better moment to re-introduce the full-time presence of our bishop. Finally, the symbolic importance of the cathedral, connecting all the parishes of the diocese together through the Office of the Bishop, is widely recognized among our clergy and people.
No one wanted her to do jail time, least of all herself. There was some confusion and frustration as the plea deal was hashed out,
The frightened fugitives in the upper room were transformed into powerhouses of evangelical grace .Inarticulate fishermen became spellbinding preachers. Marginally literate country folk became towering evangelists. Fair weather disciples became fearless martyrs for the faith.