Day: June 11, 2015

Fissures amongst the breakaways

One province would be essentially the present ACNA; the other province would be more classically Anglican, faithful to the teaching of the Bible, loyal to the doctrine and principles of the Anglican formularies, and committed to the fulfillment of the Great Commission.

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Multi-racial United States

The United States’ multi-racial population has grown at three times the rate of the general population since the beginning of the millennium.

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Speaking to the Soul: Second Chances

Barnabas, whose name means “Son of Encouragement”, takes up Paul’s cause. Recounting the story of Paul’s encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus, he invites Christ’s disciples to see this person they have hated with different eyes. He asks them to take a risk and believe Paul has truly changed, has come to follow Jesus. Because Barnabas is so very convincing, they do.

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